Love is in the air

Aren’t they adorable?!?!  Lex was reading a birthday party invite to Eve.  Crazy thing, we have two birthday parties this Sunday, overlapping.  The kids are trying to decide which one they want to attend.  I’m not crazy enough to try and juggle both!


They melt my heart.

We started making Valentine’s Day cards today.  As I did last year, I laid out a bunch of supplies and the kids went to work.  I love how creative they are and how liberal they are in expressing their love.  I hope they never lose that!  I’ll post pictures of some of the cards they made later, but here is the work in progress.


Lex, hard at work. He got 8 done today! He has a lot to make this year.


Serious Eve, working the glue.

silly eve

Silly Eve with her rudolph nose.

One thought on “Love is in the air

  1. I wish sticker charts worked for us. I try, but Stevie either wants to do it or her doesn’t… and there is no swaying him one way or another.

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