New curtains in the kids room

Check out my snazzy new curtains in the kids room. I’ve been thinking about it for awhile now and slowly, slowly finally got around to doing something about it. We used to (until about an hour ago!) have a dark blue fleece blanket nailed up over the window and hanging down weirdly, but now there is a nice smooth curtain covering the window and a nice smooth curtain covering the ugly brown and painted door into storage.

new curtains

A big thank you to Julie for making the window curtain. It has 100% light blocking material on the backside so hopefully it will keep their room dark when needed. I had no confidence in my ability to sew multiple pieces of fabric together, sew on velcro, and make it all straight and perfectly measured. Good thing Julie can do all that!! As it was, it took me nearly forever to make the door curtain. Measuring, pinning, sewing (mostly) straight lines… hard work!! But doesn’t it look awesome!? The colors look much better in person, so next time you’re around remind me to show off the kids room :)

While I was taking pictures of the curtains Lex wanted me to take pictures of him. OK! He did some “super hero poses” for me. I’m not sure what kind of super hero this is, but I love it anyway!

Crazy Lex

Crazy Lex posing for the camera. These are his super hero poses :)

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