Eve has been driving me crazy lately with her baby behavior. Lots of baby talk, grunting, and lazing around. I’ve been getting more and more frustrated with her because she won’t do anything for herself. She used to dress herself, brush her teeth, get stuff, etc. I found myself yelling at her last night because she wouldn’t put her pjs on or brush her teeth. I was remembering how Lex was at three: stubborn. The difference is he would argue and fight, while she just lays around and doesn’t do it. I find myself nagging and nagging and nagging and then yelling. Ugh. After they were in bed I was venting to Alan a bit and asking if I was unrealistic in expecting her to dress herself. He reminded me that she can, in fact, dress herself, and pick out her clothes, and brush her teeth, but just doesn’t want to lately. Smart Alan pointed out that I can continue to force the issue and she will eventually come around, or I can humor her and dress her. Hmm… since we know she CAN do it herself, is it necessary to make her? Anything wrong with taking one minute to dress her and have a nice night instead of twenty minutes to fuss with her?
That said, my new plan is to baby my baby. If she wants me to dress her, I will. I’ll dress her and carry her and feed her (sometimes) and cuddle her and love her as long as she will let me. I know the day will come when she no longer wants my help. So for now, I’ll baby my baby!
And speaking of babies, we had a really fun playdate this morning with Elizabeth and Alistair and another woman who has a 3yr old son and a 7wk old son. Eve and the 3yr old play really, really well together and baby and I cuddled really well together too :) Eve was actually super excited to see the baby. She rubbed his head and was thrilled when he squeezed her finger. It was cute. I loved holding him. Then he started crying and I gave him back! :)
I’m glad I read this today. Bedtime was tough this evening and I wasn’t the one in charge. Ron said he’d be sad if I didn’t lay with him…I wish I had laid with him instead of rushing him off to bed, he won’t want me to lay with him forever!
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