My love/hate relationship with leaves

I have a love/hate relationship with leaves. Yes, funny I know, but true. The leaves fall, the kids are thrilled, we have fun… but then someone has to actually remove them! Lex was worried yesterday that if we didn’t rake all the leaves in one afternoon then there wouldn’t be any more. I promised him that we have many, many more weeks of leaves! Many! Our 12yr old neighbor came over yesterday and said, “You are so lucky! You have the biggest leaf pile EVER!” Yay me! Sadly that “biggest leaf pile every” came from raking about a third of the leaves that have fallen from just one (of three) trees in the yard.

eve in the leaves

lex in the leaves

kids in the leaves

I’m forever trying to figure out a good solution for them. One that involves not too much work or money. Last year, mid November, I gave up and hired a crew to remove them. This year I’m trying to do the mulching thing again, but wondering if maybe we would all be happier (me and the kids anyway!) if I just played in the leaves with them and hired the crew again. Tempting!

One thought on “My love/hate relationship with leaves

  1. that looks like so much fun. A little sad that we dont’ get to experience that out here. (well at least miss the jumping in the leaves experience, the cleaning them up is never too fun!)

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