Mountain climbing and party going

We went mountain climbing today. Really, seriously. Jim, Julie and Molly were in the area celebrating their 10 year anniversary (congrats to them!) and we met up at the base of Mt. Cardigan. This is our second time climbing and my second time being totally under-prepared. Sigh. We all had fun anyway. Bundled up as best we could (it was chilly at the bottom and COLD at the top!) Lex and Eve made it all the way to the top with the promise of exploring the fire watch tower at the top. Sadly the fire watch tower was closed today! Maybe for the season, who knows. So we spent about five minutes at the tip top, rearranging clothing for better bundling, snapping a few quick picks, then back down we went. Good times!

lex leading the way

Lex led the way up.

steep way up

Look at this path we climbed!

snack time

Snack break on the way up.

fire watch tower

See the fire watch tower way up there, on the bald top of the mountain!

family picture

We made it!! And yes, that is a towel around Eve's neck. I have one too. Like I said, I'm always underprepared for this hike! It was COLD and windy up there!!

family picture at snack time

Snack time on the way down.

cute kids

Cute kids. Eve making her angry face (just to be silly) and Lex about to hide because I brought out the camera!

Guess what we did after the hike? We went to a birthday party! The second week of school Lex came home and told me about his new friend Calvin. That weekend he was disappointed because the two boys had arranged a playdate but I told him the grown-ups need to coordinate. I sent a note home with Calvin and never heard back from his parents. Imagine our happiness when we received a birthday party invite this week. Lex picked out a present (which was a big hit!) and wrapped the present himself and was super excited to go to the party. They held it at the playground and it was lots of fun. Running, jumping, eating cake and candy. Fun, fun.

fancy wrapping paper

I love the Lex doesn't need fancy paper or expensive cards. This his how he prefers to wrap presents.

the girls

Eve and the girls

lex on the slide

Lex and the boys


I love this picture.

eve and the pinata

Eve takes a turn at the pinata

so much candy

Haha... Lex and his friend checking out their candy score from the pinata. They got a lot of candy!


Partygoers (I think this was supposed to be invited partygoers, but Eve snuck her way in too).

A fun and busy day. Can you guess what the best part was? They were both fed, bathed, and in bed asleep by 6:45!!

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