Family meals

The moment you’ve all be waiting for. Tonight was night one of our family meals, in other words ONE meal and everyone eats the same thing (minus the meat issue, I’m not wavering on that one!)

I decided last month that I’m tired of catering to Lex’s ever diminishing meal requests. For awhile he ate enough variety, but lately it seems to be less and less. Things he used to eat (grilled cheese, for example) he will no longer eat. I think I can count on one hand the things he’ll actually eat. That’s annoying. It’s not healthy for him and it’s bad for Eve because she WILL eat lots of things, but only wants to eat what he is eating. When he eats poorly so does she, when he’s not around she eats much better.

place settings

For arts and crafts today we made placemats showing proper place settings. I'm hoping to get them involved with the dinner process by having them set the table.

I’ve been reading a book called How to Get Your Kid to Eat: But Not Too Much, by Ellyn Satter. Her overall advice is good but I’ve really latched onto her core concept about division of responsiblity. She says it’s the parents’ job to provide healthy meals on a regular schedule in a calm and pleasant environment. That’s it. It’s the child’s job to decide whether or not to eat and if so, what and how much. She recommends serving meals family style with empty plates and letting the kids pick what they want, with the assumption that everything on the table is healthy. When left to their own devices children are excellent regulators and will get enough of what their bodies need. They may eat nothing but carrots one night, but will make up for it another. That’s the theory (from her book and many others). I like it and I definitely see how nagging and pressuring a child to eat inevitably backfires and just ends up frustrating all those involved.

I announced this grand plan in the beginning of July, with little to no excitement from either child. Nonetheless I persevered and discussed with them along the way how it would work, how they could be involved, what happens if they don’t eat, etc. Last week I asked Lex if he wanted to help me choose recipes for the week (NO!), help with the grocery shopping (NO!), this morning I asked if he wanted to pick a meal from the list (NO!), help prepare dinner (NO!), you see where I’m going with this? :) Eve picked pizza bagels from my prepared menu list (I’m starting pretty basic here, nothing fancy!) and by this afternoon Lex was doing pretty well with the idea. He even said he would eat carrots and applesauce (my chosen side dishes) and might even try a bite of bagel. I was thrilled that he was even considering it! I made a fantastic dinner, as far as pizza bagels are concerned, with several different options, and Eve happily came to the table. Lex on the other hand hovered around the edges, but would not sit down, instead choosing to play in the living room. Not the outcome I was hoping for, but no real surprise either.

pizza bagels

Yummy dinner!

happy Eve

I think Eve is really going to like this new eating plan. She didn't eat much, but she did eat happily. She actually chose, and enjoyed, a pesto bagel with tomatoes and mozzerella. Yum!

What did surprise me was that he didn’t fuss or fight at meal time. He also behaved very well for bath and bed time! I was sure that a tired and hungry boy would put up quite a fight. So sure, in fact, that I’ve been mentally preparing myself for it all day! He did get upset a few times that I wouldn’t give him any food (But mom, I’m hungry!), but each time he managed to keep himself under control and make smart decision that led to a happy (albiet hungry) bedtime instead of a fight. I’m proud of him for that. He fell asleep quickly, as he has been doing lately with no naps, and now I just hope he makes it until morning. Then we begin again :) I haven’t made changes to breakfast, lunch, or snacks, just dinner, so he should be happy again tomorrow… until he sees beans and rice on the dinner table! :)

4 thoughts on “Family meals

  1. It must be Joyce’s day off….otherwise I would never be the first comment, at 6:35 am! Congratulations on family dinner night! The pizza bagels look delicious. Good luck!
    Love and hugs, Mema

  2. Sorry I slacked mom. Sometimes I wait to read the blog til I’m at work so it gives me something to do. I am actually werking now. I also have the gun range after work so it’ll be a long work day. Wish me luck!!! On another note: send me left overs please!

  3. Love the platemats!!!

    I’d be willing to bet that if you change breakfast to “family” breakfast too, you’ll get him to eat more. It’s really not that big a deal to skip one meal, and it won’t take him long to figure that out, but if he’s hungry enough, he’ll eat what you make for breakfast… you just need good, healthy breakfast choices too that include some veggie matter and protein… I make these little crustless breakfast veggie & cheese quiche things that are easy, versatile, and delish. I make them in batches in muffin tins or a sheet cake pan to freeze in appropriate serving sizes.

    One of these with a half a slice of toast or quarter bagel would be a perfect breakfast for them. I can give you the recipe.

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