
Today has been a weird one.  We woke up around the normal time, the kids got themselves dressed, but then Lex decided his shirt wasn’t comfortable and the day went down hill from there.  Yes, downhill from 6:30am.  Temporarily.  His shirt had an iron-on type graphic on the front which he didn’t think was comfortable (can’t say I blame him).  I sent him upstairs for a new shirt, but instead he had a total meltdown.  Refused all 13 (yes, 13!) t-shirts in his drawer.  Why? “They don’t look right.” Sadly he can’t define “right” for me. Then he took off his shorts.  I ended up fighting with him to just put something on.  Anything!  I told him long sleeves were fine, short sleeves, pjs, whatever, anything.  His reply was clear, “I will not!”  So he missed school this morning and Eve and I missed our playdate.  I told him if he wasn’t in school then he had to stay in his room, so there he stayed until 10am when I finally let Eve play with him.  Eve and I had just finished exercising and I needed a shower, so I figured it would be better to let them play instead of turning on the TV for her.  So from 10-11:30 they played together upstairs.  Very happily.  It was weird.  Then we had lunch, stories and an easy nap.  I didn’t feel like yesterday was that busy, but perhaps the excitement of his birthday was enough to exhaust him.  I don’t know.  He is one puzzle after another.  We have swimming lessons this afternoon so we’ll see how that goes.  I’m not going to force him into the water, but hopefully he’ll at least come along nicely so she can have her lesson.  Or maybe he’ll be raring to go and eager to swim.  You just never know!

He asked last night if he could invite his classmates to his party this weekend.  I said no because we had discussed the idea of a class party for a few weeks and he eventually decided not to have one, now it’s too late.  Then he asked if he could just have a few kids.  I said I’d think about it, but this morning’s behavior was giving Alan and I flashbacks to last year’s party so we decided no extra guests!  We have a few kids already coming that will be enough.  I hope.

Here are a few pictures and a video of how Eve and I entertained ourselves on this unexpected morning at home.

One thought on “Today

  1. I love the continuing adventures of lex and eve.
    I want to read the next chapter.
    did lex go to swimming lessons?
    did he get wet?
    did he get dressed today and go to school?
    what new stickers does eve have on her head today?
    thank you again, dear tessa, for sharing so much with all of us, who aren’t lucky enough to have our own toddlers to amuse us every day
    much love, mema

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