Life and stuff

Not a lot going on around here, just life. I was looking through the camera and realized there are a few things to blog about though.  Instead of my usual multi-post format I think I’m just going to throw them all into one big post tonight.  Hold on to your hats!

Water Park
The local science museum has a nice outdoor water park that opened this week. The kids can play in the water and learn about tides and animals and whatever. Mine kids just play. And look adorable in their swimming gear. :)

Someday I'll do a "through the years" compilation of this shot. I think I have five years of pictures of Lex playing with these fountains.

So adorable. Like she stepped out of a catalog.

He poses! I love it!(too bad I didn't do a better job rubbing in that sunscreen on his face)

A frog in the river. Just testing to see if my camera will take pictures that don't include my kids ;)

Someone has a birthday tomorrow. Have you heard? He is SUPER excited about it! We realized awhile ago that he is the only 4yr old in his class, everyone else has had their birthday already. Finally his is near. He debated for awhile about having a party (outside of school) with his classmates and finally decided against it. Then he deliberated on what type of cupcakes to bring to school, eventually deciding on “moon rocks” (cookies from a kids cookbook I got him for Christmas). We were going to make them this afternoon, but he woke up this morning raring to go and insisted we make them before school. So we did. Luckily there are very few extras so I wasn’t snacking on them all day :)

Making cookies

Moon rocks have lots of sprinkles.

But the biggest news about his turning five, and I can’t believe I’m writing this, is that tonight he put on a t-shirt AND shorts!! For awhile now he has been saying he’ll wear shorts and t-shirts on the day after his birthday, meanwhile he has been sweating up a storm on these 80° days and soaking his sheets at night with his heavy flannel pjs.  Tonight he is wearing summer pjs, no socks (also a big deal!) and sleeping on top of his sheets!  It’s a total 180 for him.  He also picked out shorts and a t-shirt for school tomorrow.  Hopefully he’ll put them on tomorrow for an adorable birthday photo.

Eve woke up very late today, almost 9am! She actually came into my bed around 5am and was so sweet I just pulled her into bed with me. But when I got up a bit later she kept sleeping, and sleeping, and sleeping! When she woke up we went outside to hang laundry and watch tree cutting trucks cut down two (tall, beautiful, healthy looking) trees. It was LOUD, but neat to see. Then our friends came over to play.

I wanted a picture of her watching, but she kept looking at the camera instead.(and that is cereal in her mouth, not a weird lump on her face)

Watching the show

Fun in the sand

This afternoon we went over to look at the cut tree stumps. In one of the books we have a boy counts the rings of a tree so I wanted to show the kids in real life. This one was 35yrs old.

Eve wanted a video of herself reading a Winnie the Pooh book, like we have of Lex from awhile ago. I propped the camera on the couch so I could tend to dinner.

Yep, I said Vegas. As in Las Vegas! I think I’m going there this summer. (I say think because my flights are standby so you never know until you get there.) My girlfriends from college go every summer and every year they invite me and every year I say no. Pregnant, nursing, broke, etc. It’s always something. Lauren called me last weekend and said they booked their trip for July this year and won’t I please come. So I’m going! I’m feeling excited and terrified at the same time. It will be a blast, I’m sure! I haven’t seen these girls in years and I’ve never seen Vegas. We’ll have three days of sitting by the pool, reading magazines, drinking cold ones, partying at night, and living it up. Exciting, right? And terrifying! What am I going to do for three days by the pool? I certainly can’t drink and party like I could so many years ago. I have never been away from the kids for so long (5 days total, including travel) and I’ve never gotten on a plane and flown away from them. I know the safety statics and how all that jazz and I’m not scared of flying, but I’m a tiny bit scared of dying! My little ones need a mother! What if I come home to find that Alan and the kids did awesome without me?! Or come home to find things went not so well and all hopes of a third child vanished? Eek! I’m going to need extra drinks at the pool! Seriously though, I’m super excited.

One thought on “Life and stuff

  1. VEGAS BABY! He hee…we will take good care of you – no worries! We always miss you when you aren’t there and am so looking forward to catching up and spending some quality Vegas time together!

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