
I signed the kids up for a SmartStart baseball program at Lex’s new school. It’s a town run, parent/child “intro to baseball” program. They do it for soccer too. The age range is 3-5 so I signed them both up and we made it a family thing. We walked to school and got there a few minutes late (of course). Both kids have been super excited about it, but half way there this morning Lex started saying he was nervous and didn’t want to play. We told him he could just watch for a few minutes and that seemed to settle him. We spent the next 45 minutes with me throwing and catching with Eve, and helping her practice aim and batting, while Alan and Lex threw the ball on the other side of the fence, far away from the crowd. Eve lost interest about 45 minutes into the hour long session and started running around with a girl we knew from daycare. At the end they handed out hats and t-shirts. Eve was THRILLED and put hers on right away, over her shirt and sweatshirt. Lex said, “No thanks.” and wouldn’t take one. I may have wasted money on signing him up. Oh well. We took the shirt and hat for him and I’m hoping next week maybe he’ll play catch a little closer to the group. Maybe by the end of the 6wk session he will actually be involved. Or not. We’ll see. The “coach” was a self-proclaimed soccer person and organized the crowd but did very little teachering. We’ll see if that changes in future classes, but I may have signed us up for a designated time to play catch with the kids each weekend.

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