
We did some planting this afternoon. Just a small dip into the massive gardening pool. :) Last week was Arbor Day and the kids in Lex’s school all came home with a tiny White Spruce seedling. Lex wanted to put it in the backyard and so we did. The kids dug a hole (with help from Parrish), planted the tree, filled in the hole, and made a little pine cone circle around it so (hopefully) it doesn’t get mowed over. I have no idea how well it will grow, but we’ll see :)

Planting a tree

This looks like a good spot.

Digging a hole

Digging a hole. The dirt did fly!

Tiny seedling

Wish our tiny seedling luck please. I suspect it will need it.

Since we were playing in dirt anyway I had them repot a little plant that Lex brought home from school as a Mother’s Day gift. It was in a cute little cup that he painted, but it already needed a bigger pot. So we gave that little guy a new home too.

Mother's Day plant

My Mother's Day plant in its new home.

While the kids played a bored game I took a few minutes to start weeding the gardens too. So much I want to do, so little time (ok, so little motivation is usually the problem!) I was thinking of building two new, bigger raised bed gardens in the side lawn, but that’s not looking likely at this point, so now I’m thinking about container gardens on the back porch. Somewhere to put the tomato and basil seedlings I have growing on the counter! I’ll have to do some research on that.

Lex on the playset

The boy likes to climb!

Playing a game

The boys wanted to play a game in Parrish's room (in their basement!) so I suggested playing on the porch instead. It was a bit crazy, but I think it would have been equally crazy (and dark and chilly) in his room. I also got to do a bit of work in the garden.

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