Adventures with daddy

The kids have had several fun adventures with daddy lately. Last Monday I had to do some almost-overdue work for Good Beginnings so Alan decided to take the kids to the playground. He had the day off, it was nice. They packed a bag and walked to Dothan Brook (where Lex will be going to school). Alan saw a playground full of kids and decided to go into the school to see if school was still in session. I know the school hours, which is why it would have been a boring trip to the playground with me, but ended up being an exciting adventure with Alan. They went in and spoke with someone they met in the hall. Turns out she was the music teacher and apparently very nice. So Alan asked if there was any way they could see the kindergarten classrooms. She got a janitor who opened the doors for them and they all got a tour of the classrooms. How cool! I have a “transition to kindergarten” plan in my head and this was a very sweet bonus! After that they played on the playground and then took the city bus to the post office where I met them (I was headed there anyway). They all bounced in the car bubbling with stories about their adventures. So cute.

Today I slept in (after watching The Bourne Ultimatum until 11:30pm last night!) and Alan got up with the kids. Then he decided to take them for another adventure. They went to KMart to buy kites, went to a local ball field to fly them, went to a local Energy store to talk about solar hot water storage systems, and ended at a restaurant for lunch. The kids had a blast. I did some cleaning, went for a run, took a shower, ate a healthy lunch, read a magazine, and had a blast! :) They came home with stories of kite flying and XO laptops and half eaten grilled cheese sandwiches. Funny kids. They are lucky to have such an adventuresome daddy!

2 thoughts on “Adventures with daddy

  1. Their Mommy has a pretty adventuresome hubby, too. But the whole freakin’ family on the Mommy’s side is pretty awesome. :) All tolled, I’d say life is pretty much an unbelievable blessing.

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