Big day!

Yesterday we had our final (hopefully ever) court hearing for B’Lake. The judge awarded me Legal Guardianship, creating a permanent placement and removing all doubt that he would be sent back to his biological family. It was a good day. We celebrated with a goofy visit to Wendy’s for frosties and french fries. It was a sweet and silly and lovely day. I wonder if that means I can start using his real name. ?

We had a baby shower for a coworker during staff meeting today. She’s having a boy. Towards the end my boss turns to me and says “We should have had a baby shower for you!” I said “What?!” and he laughed and said, “for your new baby boy!” I said “He’s a very big baby boy!” When they were packing up the cake leftovers my boss had them send home a piece for B’Lake. ? I grabbed two more pieces too, so Lex and Eve could also eat cake. ? The kids all appreciated the story and the cake. ❤️

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