
I have been trying to exercise more lately. I truly hate it. I am approaching an all time high weight though, even higher than when I was pregnant with Eve (for reals!!!) so I really need to do something. I was talking to my mom recently about anxiety and I think that’s what I feel every time I think about exercising. It’s dumb, of course, because I know I can do it and I know my body will feel better after exercising, but it takes a lot of mental effort to get my ass in gear. Then, when I finally do get started, I keep thinking about how ridiculous exercise is these days. We put on special clothes and get special gear (sneakers, weights, DVDs, treadmills, gym memberships, whatever) and schedule time… all just to force ourselves to do what our bodies are built to do. I think it makes so much more sense to just get exercise through fun things (like sports or hiking or whatever) but none of that really appeals to me either. Awhile ago I thought about joining a running club, just to see if I could make it more fun and social, but you have to be available at specific times and, oh yeah, you have to be able to run! Eve is eager to run the CHaD 5K this year so I downloaded the Couch25K app. It’s an eight week training program that is supposed to get you from the couch to a 5K. I used it a few years ago and it was pretty useful. I figured I had to get going soon if I was going to run 3.1 miles in October. I did my first run today (twice!) and it felt good, but then I baked cookies and ate pizza for dinner. Sigh. I guess it would have been worse had I NOT had an hour of exercise though.

Discipline <– I need to work on this.  I’m like a toddler and “Now” almost always win.  

3 thoughts on “Exercise

  1. As I grow older, i am thinking more of exercise as a way to keep my bones dense, my strength improving and my balance improving. Exercise is like an investment in my future…helping my old age be more active and independent. I don’t really think that exercise is much help in weight loss….I believe that changes in what you eat is the only way to really lose weight. But maybe if you can think of exercise like a little investment in yourself, it wouldn’t be as difficult to accomplish. Try adding a weight routine or a yoga class as well…swimming…running is easy and flexible but not always fun. (Sorry to offer advice in a field where i have so little credibility…hahah)

  2. I hear you; same boat except add to it that I injure easily and feel financially stressed so want to avoid anything too spendy like joining a gym. So, can’t run but if you’d ever like to meet for a walk, light hike, or possibly kayak (Tim would need to help me load/unload) let me know. Cheers, Leah 295-6604

    • Hey Leah. I’d love to walk/hike some time. It’s always so hard coordinating schedules! My friend and I hike Hurricane Hill sometimes. Maybe we could meet there one day.

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