Weekend Update

My blog post titles are getting so clever. Lots going on this weekend. Lots of little things, nothing major.

It started Friday afternoon with a trip to the eye doctor for Eve. Once again she is doing just fine, the doctor is very happy with her eye strength improvements. They dilated her eyes so she got that little bit of fun that only those of us with bad vision ever get to experience. I told her that I’m going next month and they’ll probably dilate my eyes too, so she’ll have to drive us all home. That got a good laugh. We also ordered new glasses for her. It was a debate (between me, myself, and I mostly) because she doesn’t need a new prescription, but her glasses were too small and very scratched up, but so darn cute! She was a bit hesitant about picking new ones (and her eyes were dilated so she couldn’t see well), but she finally found a pair she really liked and got excited after that. Stay tuned for Eve’s new look next week. :)

Saturday morning started with a trip to the flu shot clinic. This time Eve put up a fuss and lots of tears while Lex did ok. He started protesting and wouldn’t sit on the table, so I pulled him on my lap in the chair and wrapped him up and started talking quietly into his ear. The nurse took the silently offered opportunity and did her job quickly! He wasn’t happy, but it was over in no time and he survived. Eve, on the other hand, backed herself into a corner and wailed. Alan pulled her onto his lap on the doctor’s table and gave her a big hug. The nurse saw an exposed shoulder and lickety-split, Eve’s shot was over. She continued to wail. Alan and I both made it through with no tears of our own! :)

Then we celebrated with a trip to play mini-golf. Eve continued to cry about everything and chose not to play. However, the sunshine and fresh air did her good and she happily tagged along while we played. The course is beautiful and Eve enjoyed the flowers and ponds as much as we enjoyed the game. I kept getting distracted with taking pictures. Lex and Alan were more focused on the game. It was a great morning!









Saturday afternoon we spent outside, playing in the leaves. I’m glad we did too, because it rained Saturday evening and all night, so the leaves were wet and gross today. Glad we got some good leaf raking and pile jumping in on Saturday afternoon.





Sunday was quieter. The kids played outside and played their computer games. I went for a walk/run. Alan worked. This afternoon he started working in the basement again and we started moving things back in!!! Exciting! I’ll post pictures of the basement soon. It’s beautiful!

At dinner time Lex wanted garlic bread. He didn’t want to make it himself so he decided to order some. He got out a few menus and compared prices. When I told him that they probably wouldn’t deliver such a small order, he recruited Eve and Alan to go in on the order as well. Everyone paid for their own food and, most exciting of all, Lex phoned in the order!!! He did it all on his own. He gave them our order, our address, got the total, and even used good manners and a clear speaking voice. I was impressed. I was in the kitchen, right nearby just in case, but making a salad and not hovering. He figured out the money (with a little help from Alan and I on the tip) and collected everyone’s contributions, and got done just before the delivery guy came. He was so proud of himself.




We had a bit more excitement this evening when I noticed red spots all over Lex in the tub tonight. His abdomen and inner thighs are covered. There are also a few spots on his arms and legs and one hand. I immediately thought chicken pox. I turned his bath into an oatmeal bath and told him to stay put for awhile, then I called the doctor. His first question was, “Is Lex acting sick?” That seemed to be the determining factor. Lex wasn’t acting sick at all. In fact, he was full of energy and feeling just fine. The doctor said it’s most likely hives. Just thinking of hives this evening has left me feeling hot and itchy all over! I gave Lex some antihistamine (expired in 2010 ’cause I’m a rockstar parent!) and let him stay up late and watch a show with Alan. He went to bed still spotty, but less itchy. Hopefully they clear up soon! I thought maybe it was a flu shot reaction (a first) but Lex reminded me that the itchiness started yesterday afternoon after a weird caterpillar fell out of a tree and into his lap. So maybe that had something to do with it. Maybe we’ll never know. I’m holding off on telling him about my hive related trips to the hospital. He’s worried enough without that little factoid!

The doctor said as long as he’s feeling ok and not acting sick then we should send him to school tomorrow. That was my real reason for calling on a Sunday night, otherwise I would have just called during business hours. I didn’t want to be “that mom” who sends her kid to school with chicken pox! Conveniently I’m right next door to him in school, so if he’s having trouble at school tomorrow I can dose him up again. I’ll keep ya posted. (Alan did some googling just now and determined it was a Hickory Tussock caterpillar. So there’s that.)

On to another full week at school. My first solo day of teaching is this week. I have an awesome lesson plan written and I’m ready to go!

One thought on “Weekend Update

  1. thanks for the cool pics…everyone looks great and happy…much love to all..oh blogmaster, could you please tell me what time it is in sicily? thank you!
    i think virginia beach and the aquarium is on today’s agenda…while i’m playing hookey! XXXXOOOOO

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