We were planning a trip to Boston two weeks ago, at the beginning of April vacation. Unfortunately very bad things happened in Boston the day before, so we opted not to go. We mentally rescheduled for the end of the week instead, but the city was in lock-down then, so we again post-poned. Yesterday, we made it! We drove down Saturday morning, spent the day at the Museum of Science, and headed home that evening. Easy, peasy.
We parked on the roof of the garage, our preferred parking, so we could see the whole city. We also tried to get into this observatory (some of us tried harder than others!) but the doors were locked.
This museum has everything. From optical illusions (hence why we are all standing with one eye closed)…
to large engines. (Lex, counting cylinders)
to exposed escalator parts. It’s a pretty cool place to be.
These science guys enjoyed our visit.
We saw an IMAX movie on the giant dome screen (Alan and I BOTH dozed off briefly! Awesome parenting, eh?)
and sampled ice cream Dots. Lame.
Last stop, of course, the gift shop! Both kids brought their own money and made great choices for souvenirs. Neither chose the glasses! Lex bought a K’Nex roller coaster and Eve bought a butterfly snow globe and wire jewelled tree on a rock, exactly like Winona used to make so long ago! :)
Since it was Saturday and the traffic wasn’t bad, we headed north when the museum closed. We stopped at Panera along the way for dinner. We washed the kids up and put them in PJs and everyone was cuddled up and quiet for an audio book the whole way home. Happy day!