An active weekend

We had a busy weekend. Saturday started with a trip to the flu shot clinic. Lex was, once again, traumatized. He spent part of the time under the doctor’s desk with his legs wrapped in a death grip around the chair. We managed to get him calmed down enough to get the shot, though he was not happy about it. Then, funny boy, he decided it wasn’t actually so bad after all. He insists his past flu shots have hurt for two days, but this time it only hurt for 15 minutes. He likes to be precise. :)

[ no pictures of this fun event ]

After that we drove over to Woodstock for some banking issues. At the bank the kids got Halloween candy (after the lollipops from the doctor’s office) and freebies. A calculator, a football, and a basketball. All bank branded, of course. They were THRILLED. Then we stopped at Quechee Gorge on the way home. We hiked down and marveled at the water levels. I don’t think the kids have ever seen the rocks completely covered! Then we went out to lunch. Home for some chiling out, family games, Eve and Alan went for a run, etc. Overall a fantastic day!

gorge trail

It was a beautiful day!


Happy kids – properly protected from the flu! :)

water p1

The river was flowing fast!

water p2

Where are the rocks?!


The boys


The girls


Eve just discovered that the log moves!

Sunday was another active day, the CHaD HERO Half Marathon & Ripcord 5K. Alan ran the half marathon (13.1 miles!!) and the kids and I walked the 5K (3.1 miles). This is the first year they have offered a 5K so we were excited to participate. In the past they had the half marathon, a relay option, and the one mile fun-run called “Cam’s Course.” Lex was pretty interested in that and said next year he might like to do that. We’ll see.

We participated with a team of friends and friends of friends in memory of a little guy who died this spring of an aggressive brain tumor. He spent a lot of time at the Children’s Hospital in his final days and it was exciting to be able to participate with the group.


We went looking for costumes the night before and came up a bit short. Eve was excited to find a Spiderman costume and insisted she was comfortable in it, despite the fact that it’s a 4T. She didn’t last long before asking to take it off. :)


More heros!


Do you see the start line? Waaaay up there under the white banner. This year they did a 5K and allowed walkers, which helped swell the participation numbers. There were over 2800 people signed up, plus all the families, volunteers, vendors, etc. It was crowded!


Waiting for daddy to cross the finish line.


There he is! Our hero!

hula hoops

There was a ton of stuff for the kids to do there. A bouncy house, climbing wall, a side walk chalk tent, hula hoops, etc. Lots to keep them busy.

ball area

This was Lex’s favorite area.

After Alan was done and got some free food we headed home for a shower and to repack for the next event – a party at the team leader’s house! I think Eve was feeling bad at this point. She was really tired by the end of the 5K and spent the rest of the time there feeling tired and asking if she could have quiet time. On the way home she said she was going to take a nap as soon as we got home. Guess what? She did! Alan headed for the shower and Eve headed for bed. She slept for almost an hour before I woke her up to go partying. Fortunately she rallied and we all had a great time. We got to catch up with old friends, meet new ones, and had a really nice night. Right when I was about to round everyone up to head home, a woman pulled out face paints and Eve was asking for a butterfly. So we stayed for awhile longer.


A beautiful butterfly after a very long weekend.

Then she and I cuddled in a chair while she ate a cookie and told me how much she wished she was home in bed. :) I wisked her away and put her to bed. Unfortunately the beautiful butterfly lasted only about an hour. Fortunately she woke up this morning feeling much better!

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