Back to the eye doctor

If you remember our first trip to the eye doctor you will wonder who the little girl is I’ll be talking about in this blog post. This morning I somehow managed to find me a sweet, cooperative, almost, dare I say it, eager little girl to accompany me to the optometrist.

waiting room

Playing in the waiting room.

Same time, same place, six months later we went back to the eye doctor. A few days ago she decided that she was going to “look into the big tube!” and since that announcement she has been quite agreeable to the discussion. When we went to the first room she happily looked into the big machine and told me there was a picture of a farm in there, “but it had no animals at all.” Then she giggled at the next machine that put little puffs of air into her eyes. I thought for sure that one would be the end of our trip, but nope, giggles instead.

the long tube

Looking into "the big tube." Like her curly pig tails? I think they are so adorable!

In the doctors office she climbed right up into the chair, helped the doctor, answered all the questions, sat still, and did an phenomenal job! She didn’t even fuss when the doctor put drops in her eyes!

crazy girl

Crazy girl!

The results… astigmatism in her right eye and less than perfect vision in both. Apparently the left eye is less less than perfect, so her vision is unbalanced. I have the same problem :/ I can’t say I’m surprised, but I am bummed.

We read a few books after the doctor left, then ventured out into the eye glass area where Eve picked out a new pair of glasses. And a case. She is most excited about the case. So far she is surprisingly amenable to the idea of wearing glasses. I tried to get her to pick a cute pair of wire rimmed ones (like this cute little girl in Lex’s class), but she wanted the thicker plastic frames that are very similar to a pair of sunglasses she wears. I think maybe the nose-bridge pieces bothered her on the wire rimmed glasses. I figured that since she was the one who was going to wear them every single day (we hope!) then she should be able to pick whichever ones she wants.

trying on frames

Trying on frames. She had that overbite going on the whole time. I think it's a nervous thing. I liked these pink ones...


blue frames

She likes the blue ones....(I could not get her to smile without the teeth!)

She was a little bummed to leave without them, but mostly sad she had to leave without the case. She picked a pink and black case and was quite happy about it :) Silly girl.

Since she did such an amazing job at the doctor’s office, and since the appointment took so long I had to scrap my grocery shopping plans anyway, we ended up walking around and killing time for awhile. She wanted pizza, which was great, but it was only 10am so we walked to the nearby pizza place but they were closed. Then she asked for ice cream so we walked the other direction to the ice cream place but they too were closed, for the season of course. We ended up walking back again and she picked out some crappy candy from the gas station. It was an awkward period of time to fill, not enough time to really do anything, but a little too long to just do nothing, especially on the side of the road :) After all our walking we got back in the car and headed to a pizza joint near her school. She was thrilled.


After almost two hours inside, she was ready to run!
Good thing there was a wide open lot nearby.



Eve played her first game of Ms. Pac Man today. Turns out she prefers the game when it is in demo mode better :)




Next week we go back and pick them up. Now begins the journey on teaching a 4yr old to properly wear and handle glasses. The tech said that Eve was the first young child she ever saw that knew how to put on glasses properly. I guess all those years of wearing sunglasses paid off there.

Welcome to a new journey in parenting.

5 thoughts on “Back to the eye doctor

  1. Little girls with glasses are SOOOOO cute….and I hope she is more comfortable being able to see more clearly….can’t wait to see her next month!
    love ya, Eve, glad you’re joining the club….

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