An odd day and a quick catchup

Hi! I feel like I haven’t been here in awhile. I see it’s only been two days, but I guess life feels busy. Imagine that!

We got some snow last night and had a two hour delay this morning. I think it’s our first! I had to explain to the kids what that meant. They were pretty thrilled. They played chess, decorated each other, had pancakes for breakfast, and went sledding. They were less thrilled when I said it was time to go to school!

Early morning chess game

Early morning chess game

christmas eve

Christmas Eve

little elf

A sweet little elf


First sledding of the year!

I was subbing as an aide today so I got to experience the schedule shifting first hand… without having to deal with it personally! :) They were shifting schedules to accommodate the delay, but also to accommodate classroom meetings with the school counselor. She met with each class to discuss the happenings in CT last Friday. I was with the 4th grade for their meeting and was saddened to hear how much those kids have seen and heard! I told my kids the bare minimum and only because I knew they would hear it eventually and I wanted them to hear it first from me. It was a popular topic at school today. :( Luckily we have excellent counseling and I think it was handled well. They decided not to talk with the kindergarten classes today as apparently the kindergarteners weren’t talking about it. No need to address a problem that doesn’t exist!

Think about a school full of kids, one week before Christmas, riled up from a tragedy, and coming in late due to the first snowfall of the year. So we did that. I had recess duty and got to watch the excited kids bust out the sleds at school. Several even built snowmen.

After school we met several friends at the science museum. It started as me and a friend, then I mentioned it to the mother of one of Eve’s classmates and she mentioned it to another parent, so we had quite a group.

museum fun

Fun at the science museum! Eve and two of her classmates.

Then home for a fast dinner, shower, and bed. I was so tired I fell asleep with Eve! Poor Lex had to wake me up to remind me to lay with him as well. :)

The calendar for tomorrow is packed FULL, including, hopefully a Skate with Santa! That should be fun. I’m sure there will be pictures.

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