A Halloween Weekend

Apparently there is a storm coming. A storm of such great enormity they are calling it a mega storm or a “frankenstorm.” A hurricane from the south, a winter storm from the west, a cold front from the north, and high tide on the east. All of New England has declared a state of emergency and the states around us have practically shut down already. Apparently we in the mountains are keeping the faith though!

Anyway, the reason I’m talking about the weather here is that it occurred to me on Friday night that I have put a lot of work into Halloween costumes this year and odds are pretty good Halloween will be washed away in the storm. Darn weather! While normally we are lazy on the weekends, I thought this weekend we should get some Halloween-y activities in, just in case the actual holiday is cancelled. The kids eagerly agreed!

Saturday morning we went to the library where they were doing pumpkin carving and Halloween craft projects. We brought our own pumpkins and had a lot of fun! Eve met a few kids from her class and even a girl from her old school. I made new friends, and Lex made an awesome treat bag that coordinates with his Lego costume.


My rule is they can get any pumpkin they can carry.


This pictures makes it look like they did the work, but in reality about two minutes after I snapped the picture they were both asking me to finish their pumpkins while they skipped over to other projects. Fortunately I had a few other mothers around to chat with while carving. :)




There were several projects to choose from, but both kids spent all of their time making treat bags. Lex’s has a Lego man on the front and Lego decorations and lettering around the rest of the bag.


Happy kids. :)

I was going to stop at a Cookies for Cancer bake sale (somewhat) on the way home, but we spent so much time at the library that we were all tired and hungry by the end, so we headed straight home for lunch and quiet time. After that we went to Grandma’s to help celebrate her birthday!


Happy Halloween!

Today was a beautiful day so we went to a Halloween party at Billings Farm, an old-timey place with farm animals and old-timey activities. I am generally bored stiff there (shhh… don’t tell) but the kids always have fun! They wore their costumes… for a few minutes!

butterfly eve

I had big plans for her wings, but apparently she did too! I let her do it her way and they came out lovely.


Lego Lex and Butterfly Eve

lego lex

I love how this turned out! It is cumbersome and uncomfortable, but it looks awesome! :) He got lots of compliments.


Guess what we found first thing?! Legos! They had a bunch of orange Legos and instructions to make a pumpkin. We hung out here for a few minutes, but fortunately there were other neat things to distract them and help us move along.


This picture makes me laugh. One of the ribbons on Eve’s wings broke so I was carrying them in one hand and Lex’s Lego head in a bag. :)


Sheep and Legos.


The horse’s fence is broken and Eve thought she would try to lift it back into place. She worked hard getting it up and then, just as she was about to try to put it in the hole, the horse came over and she JUMPED! Dropping the railing and covering about three feet back in an instant.

Lex and horse

Lex was feeling brave and gently pet the horse. He decided that if it were his he would name it Midnight. Most of the other animals had names (on their stalls or on tags around their necks).

discarded costumes

It wasn’t long before the costumes ended up in a discard pile while the kids moved about more freely.

apple cider

Making apple cider.


Donuts on a string.

happy kid

Surrounded by donuts on strings, like a dream for a child. :)

parade p1

They donned the costumes again for a parade around the green. It was a slow and bumbling event as both kids tend to walk close to one another (and to me) and both kids were rather large and awkward in their cardboard costumes. :)

parade p2

Lex can’t see very well, or hear very well I suspect.

snack break

Snack break! The apple only lasted a few minutes before he was asking for his cracker snack.

snack break p2

Eve looking contemplative while munching on pretzels.

After depositing the costumes in the car and having a quick snack we went back for more fun. Halloween stories read while sitting on hay bales, making pumpkin ice cream, chatting with friends, etc. The kids wanted ice cream but it was nowhere near ready, then then wanted another donut on a string but the lady said no, so I told them it was time to go get some real food. We stopped for pizza on the way home. That counts as “real food,” right?!? Barely.


Someone is getting post cards in the mail this week!

We got home for quiet-time at 3pm. Afterwards we went around the house and “battened down the hatches,” while Alan worked busily all day to finish the mudroom and get my car back in the garage!! (like how I save the best for last?!)

So, depending on what Hurricane Sandy decides to dump on us, you may or may not see more Halloween pictures.

One thought on “A Halloween Weekend

  1. Nice costumes!!! I love Lex’s giant head and Eve’s wings!!
    I put in zero effort, I am sooo not into Halloween this year. I had been hoping to be moving this past weekend so I said no to pretty much everything Halloween related. We are still here, we have jack-o-lanterns, some candy, and a horrible forecast. :/

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