
I feel like I’ve been neglecting this poor blog lately. It ebbs and flows, I suppose. We have lots going on, as usual, but I guess nothing super blog worthy (and we all know that’s a low bar!) This weekend was busy. Friday night we went to the 100th Day of School celebration at Lex’s school. Both kids are counting the days of school in their classrooms yet neither of them can tell me if they have actually reached the 100th day yet! I guess neither of them really care enough to pay attention to that particular activity each morning. The party was pure chaos. It started at 5:30 Friday night. Pizza and desserts in the cafeteria, silent auction in the lobby, and what was supposed to be organized games in the gym. Instead it was hordes of young children running, in waves, around the gym, jumping over the cones and hula hoops and other game-specific items. I left with a headache, a strong craving for a strong drink, and screaming four year old insisting she wanted to stay, despite the lack of people and nearly empty parking lot. Good times!

Saturday was fairly quiet. Eve went to a birthday party at the gymnastics place and has officially decided she wants to have her party there too. I think I’m going to push back. I’m a birthday scrooge these days. I find fault with all of the popular birthday party locations. We still have some time so I’ll see if I can negotiate with her for a better party locations. :)

Yesterday Alan took the kids to a birthday party at a local historical farm. It was one of three parties we were invited too this weekend! I declined one because I can’t handle more than one birthday party per day. So he took the kids to this one and I went with a friend to a parenting workshop. I was interested in the subject matter, of course, and also wanted to evaluate the speaker as a possible speaker for our Good Beginnings Fall Lecture. It was a bit of a let down on both counts, however the hour drive each way was enjoyable as I carpooled with two other moms and we had lots of time to chat.

I came home to an empty house, but soon after Alan walked in with pizza, then Lex walked in with a pint of Ben & Jerry’s and Eve followed behind with her own pint of Ben & Jerry’s! Let the Super Bowl chow-fest begin! We had a fancy three course meal: pizza & wings (for Alan), followed by potato chips and cut veggies, and topped off with two different flavors of ice cream. Whee!! The kids stayed up through the half-time show and then I put them to bed. Then I had a lovely, fizzy mixed drink to finish off my night. Alan and I made it to the end of the game, though I’ll confess we folded some laundry and I did some computer work at the same time. Football only requires half my attention (ok, that actually applies to TV in general).

Now it’s Monday and another week has begun.

Exciting post, huh? I bet you missed me and my exciting life! :) I have a few pictures to add but the other computer with the photos on it isn’t working at the moment and I have to pick up the kids in 15 minutes so I think I’m outta here. I’ll leave you with this final thought.

It is currently 44.6° and sunny outside. Should I force my tired children to play outside after school (which means me too!) or should I let them lounge around inside while I get some much-needed kitchen cleaning done. Decisions, decisions! :)

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