A day trip

I decided that since the kids are getting older and no longer napping (much) that we should start doing some day trips. We had school vacation this week, so Alan took Friday off and we drove up to the Echo Lake Aquarium and Science Center. I had big plans for a fun day. We ended up leaving a bit late and getting there right at lunch time, so we stopped at Ponderosa for lunch. Wow, it’s been ages since I’ve been to one of those. Believe it or not, that place IS NOT terribly WW friendly :) An all you can eat deep fried buffet!

Anyway, after lunch we went to the science center and everyone had fun, for awhile. Eve had taken an unexpected morning nap in the car which did not bode well for the day. After about an hour at the science center she was asking to go home. At one point she even said, “I’ve had enough of all these fish!” About a half hour later she was half asleep in my arms. We hung out for a bit longer but ended the day much earlier than I hoped for. Unexpectedly we met one of Lex’s classmates there. That was a fun surprise! His parents had gone to school nearby and recommended we check out a cool pedestrian street nearby. Eve started crying in the car so we were going to skip it, but then she cried that she wanted chocolate. Funny, I know, but we had mentioned getting chocolate at the Lake Champlain chocolate store. Funnier still, we all wanted chocolate so we gave in to her crying.

She pulled it together for a bit, but not long. It was a beautiful sunny day and I was eager to explore that lovely pedestrian street, but I guess I’ll save it for another day (wanna go on a day trip with me, mom?) We force fed Eve some ice cream (haha!) and then headed back to the car. She was asleep by the time we got out of the parking garage! I actually think she had a fever for most of the day. She slept well last night and woke up healthy and happy today. Whew!

frozen lake

A frozen Lake Champlain

pretty boat

I don't think this boat is going anywhere any time soon.


Blub, blub.

tired eve

This was Eve by about 2:30 in the afternoon. I got a great workout carrying her all over the place, including up five flights of stairs in the parking garage!

2 thoughts on “A day trip

  1. Pingback: A day trip to the lake aquarium | Calm and Chaos: Life with kids

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