A (cold, windy) day at the beach

On Friday we took a day trip with our neighbors to York Beach in Maine. It was fun. We got a late start and ended up eating our picnic lunch in the car, but it worked out ok anyway because it was cold and windy at the beach!!! This was Lex’s first trip to the Atlantic and Eve’s second, but she was young and probably doesn’t remember her first. They were both eager to get there and feel the water. They discovered pretty quickly that it was COLD!!! Parrish managed to boogie-board twice, but Lex and Eve just barely got their feet wet. Actually, Lex got his feet wet and then stumbled and fell, getting his clothes all wet, so he spent quite awhile cuddled on the blanket with Mema. We spent awhile on the beach with Eve digging in the sand and burying everything she found and Lex cuddling on the blanket and then Parrish showed the kids a nearby playground and we spent a lot more time there. I was laughing that I drove 2+ hours to get to a beach and spent most of the time at the playground. It was a pretty cool playground though!

When we were all cold and ready to move on we headed up the beach aways to check out a lighthouse. The kids were mildly interested in the lighthouse (once they realized we couldn’t go in it), but they had fun on the rocks. Eve and I were in sandals and couldn’t do much climbing, but Robina took Lex pretty far and he had a blast.

On the way home we were going to stop for dinner with the group, but Eve fell asleep about five minutes after we got in the car so we just headed home. Lex was out pretty quickly after that. They napped the whole way home, bounced around the house for a bit while we ate dinner, and then passed out nicely in bed. Overall a good day was had by all!

Lex and Eve heading to the Atlantic

Lex and Eve eagerly heading to the Atlantic

Lex and Eve going wading

Lex in the ocean

Lex in the ocean

Chilly Lex

Chilly Lex and cuddly Mema

Happy Eve

Happy Eve burying something in the sand

The beach

The beach

Big slide

Eve was the first one down the big slide. It was a great playground, but packed with kids because the beach was so chilly!

Waiting for sunscreen

This picture amuses me because they were sitting patiently waiting for me to get sunscreen. It was necessary, but looking at the picture it seems silly to be thinking of sunscreen.

Lex on the rocks - pic 1

Lex and Robina exploring the rocks

Lex on the rocks - pic 2

Lex on the rocks - pic 3

Looking out over the ocean


The lighthouse on an island

I should also add that before our lovely day at the beach we had a quick visit with the midwives. Nothing too exciting. I was bummed that she couldn’t find a heartbeat, but I know it’s still early. We will hear baby next time. Next time may be with different midwives at a different hospital, but more on that later.

4 thoughts on “A (cold, windy) day at the beach

  1. Tessa Dawn- that picture of just Lex in the ocean facing the camera…..behind him u can see a big red thingy out in the ocean…..thats a channel marker. thats what the picture was on my FB. but my picture was a whole bunch of them on display on the coast guard base. The picture you have is a real live version of one in action. (which is actually no action at all)

  2. coincidentally, ‘bouy’ was one of the silly words that set mr. lex giggling hysterically during our beach excursion
    the other was robina’s ‘eggy’ sandwiches
    what a fun day !

  3. Pingback: Back to the Ocean « Calm and Chaos: Life with kids

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