Another day

Today was much better than yesterday. Yay! Lex woke up (too early!) already worrying about the shirt situation. I suggested he look in the dryer to see if anything was there and he was thrilled. Both kids were happy and got themselves out the door. We dropped Lex off at school and the teacher said the cookies were beautiful. I know she was just being polite, but it was nice to hear. After we left Lex, I told Eve she could choose our morning. She wanted to play with Caitlin but they were busy (meeting with the realtor to list their house, *sniff, sniff*) so she settled for breakfast (round 2) at Panera Bread and then a trip to the mall. We bought her a new bathing suit and sunglasses and she played at the toy store for awhile and we watched the toy circus train go around and around and she was happy. We also ran up and down the length of the mall a few times so she was tired, and I was happy :)

Back at school the teacher said the kids LOVED the cookies (yay!) and Lex was happy and tired. They didn’t open their cards at school so he was eager to get home and open them up. The kids ate lunch amidst glitter cards and cheap candy. Then they napped! I mean, WE napped! Lex hasn’t napped in almost two weeks (sad) but today he got in bed without question and I cuddled next to him and we all slept. So nice!

They napped early and not exceptionally long, so we had lots of time this afternoon. Lex wanted to go to a new indoor playground that Eve and I have been to a few times. She had other ideas, but since she chose the morning activities I let him choose the afternoon. We called Michelle and they met us there to play. It was great. The place is aimed at 6 and under, but I was worried Lex might not find it that interesting, but the four kids (plus a few extras) ran and ran and RAN! By the time we left just after 5pm they were all red and sweaty and downing water from the bubbler. We came home for an easy dinner, made a few more Valentine’s day cards (family, watch your mailboxes) and then easy bath and bed. Yay!

The secret, of course, is less sugar and more running. They both ate really well today too. Eve hasn’t been eating much of anything lately, but I had bowls of fruits and veggies on the table and they ate them up.

Crazy hair

Look at that hair-do! She looks like a mad scientist! :)


Lex wanted to pose for me, which is rare, but I've seen better smiles from him!


Eve posing as a Royal Guard

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