17 months and 18 weeks

Happy 17 month birthday to my big guy. He
celebrated by spending 2 hours at the hospital going with me
from one doctor appointment to another. Fun. I treated him to a
blueberry muffin at the end :)

We had
our 2nd ultrasound today. It was highly annoying. The
technician was professional and polite, but that’s about it.
She told us Lex could stay in the room, but couldn’t walk
around, so Alan had to hold him. That lasted all of about 5
minutes. Lex likes his freedom. So Alan and Lex left to wander
the hospital hallways. I stayed to get abused. Apparently baby
wasn’t in a position the tech could work with, so she kept
poking my lower abdomen with the ultrasound wand in an effort
to get baby in a different position. Baby is apparently camera
shy. She was trying to see the face and baby kept putting its
arm up to block her – probably wasn’t appreciating the pokings
either :) After 1/2 hour (my others all took about 10 minutes),
she told me to stay put (flat on my back, gel all over my
belly), while she ran the report… just in case. Then she
comes in 10 minutes later and says, “Are you seeing the
high-risk doctors?” I say, “No, should I be?” She says, “Just
curious.” and leaves! What the hell! Then she comes back 10
minutes later with the report.

I meet up with Alan and Lex and we head to the follow up
appointment with the midwife. Alan has to go to work, so it’s
just Lex and I now. The nurse asked how the ultrasound went, so
I told her it was long, painful, annoying, and apparently they
think I need to see the high-risk doctor. She was concerned and
opened my report right away. Then she gave me the report and
showed me that everything was normal. She left it with me to
read while I waited for the midwife, but I didn’t get to it as
I was feeding Lex. So the midwife comes in a few minutes later
(I love these ladies), scans the report, and also comments on
how everything is great and she has no idea what the tech was
talking about. The she says, “So, she told you you’re having a
little girl?” I must have had a pretty blank look on my face
because I had told the tech we didn’t want to know and I was
pretty sure the tech never even went down there. I said,
“Nooo… she didn’t tell me and I told her we didn’t want to
know.” But there it was, right on the report. Which was ok, but
just a surprise. My midwife was none too pleased because the
tech is supposed to write “parent doesn’t want to know” and not
even check. She left to call the tech and see what was going
on. The midwife thought maybe I had the wrong report or
something! She comes back a few minutes later, happy but
annoyed, and said the tech hit the wrong button and never even
looked down there (like I thought). The tech wasn’t apologetic
or anything, just all matter-of-fact. My midwife apparently
gave her a good talking to about how “hitting the wrong button”
isn’t an acceptable thing to do when dealing with the sex of a
child, neither is asking about high-risk without an
explanation. I guess all reports have a doctor and midwife name
on them (since some insurance companies won’t pay for midwife
services) so the tech was confused by that – hence the
high-risk question.

I’ve officially had
enough ultrasounds for this pregnancy. They are progressively
getting more and more annoying. And I guess we now know that we
may (or may not) be having a girl :)

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