
After one too many nights spent wandering the house looking for doggie, I made a new rule that Eve’s doggie stays in her bed.  She’s been having a really hard time with this.  She tends to tuck it places, like in the toy kitchen microwave, under pillows, in the bathroom, etc. and it takes me forever to find the toy each night.  Now doggie stays in bed and Eve stands down stairs (often!) crying that she loves her doggie and needs her doggie. Sweet, but sad.  She even goes upstairs sometimes just to hug the dog :)  On daycare days she gets super excited when I let her have doggie in the car (doggie goes to daycare for naptime), but then cries again when I put it  in the bag when we get there.  She’s so sweet.

She’s really an emotional mess lately.  Not sure why.  She cries a lot, for no good reason, and often comes over and asks for hugs.  I think she needs more attention and one-on-one time.  Tomorrow, while Lex is in school, we will be having some serious mommy and Eve time.  The daycare teacher even commented on how much she cries lately.  She used to love daycare and now I leave her in tears, often twice a day if I can’t sneak in and out while dropping Lex off after school.  Poor girl.  She is cutting all four of her 2yr molars, so maybe that’s the problem.  Or maybe just because she’s two?  Or do the female hormones kick in this young?  Whatever it is, she’s so sweet but the crying is draining!  For all of us!  Hope that passes soon!

One thought on “Doggie

  1. Could your brilliant husband invent a ‘teddietracker’= a little clip on device that works like a beeper to find lost keys or the phone? I bet tons of moms who have kids who are attached to certain toys could use it- just a thought!
    happy friday to all, mema

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