Growing up

We spent the morning at the science museum today. We don’t go often anymore, but sometimes when we do I’m caught up in memories of the past. We have been going there since Lex was a baby and we always have fun. Actually, we’ve been going there since I was a kid! My kids have grown up there and when we go back it is a startling reminder of just how grown they are. The place today was filled with toddlers and moms with babies in carriers on their bellies. I remember going there when Lex was a 1yr old and Eve was still inside. One day he just wanted to go up and down the stairs. He was indecisive about where he wanted to be and I was “out to here” pregnant with Eve. I was exhausted by the end of that visit! We used to meet friends there on a regular basis. The kids would invariably want to play as far away from each other as possible and my friends and I would look longingly at one another from across the crowded room, but the kids weren’t big enough to be on their own yet. Sometimes the kids would cooperate though and stay in the little kid area for awhile, allowing my friends and I to sit and chat. Those were nice days.

Now they are big kids and they run all over the place, barely needing my attention, and I wish I had my friends around. Now we could all stand together and chat while the big kids roamed free. Sadly our schedules don’t coordinate as easily as they did in the baby days. So instead I hang out, check out the gift shop, explore the exhibits, and keep half an eye on the kids. Sometimes they want to play with me and other times they’re off doing their own things. All grown up.

This afternoon we went grocery shopping and the kids were super helpful. I can send them on “missions” (within a reasonable distance from me) to find items we need to buy. They can read labels and reach the middle shelves, though they still need help with the high shelves. :) When we got home they unloaded all the bags from the car, working together to get the extra heavy ones in.

Then we went to Grandpa’s for dinner. I no longer need to pack special food, booster seats, diaper bags, etc. I told the kids to pack an activity bag and they did, all on their own. I guess I should have packed extra clothes though since they were playing outside and fell in a puddle. Oh well. I was thinking about this blog post on the way over and about just how big they are getting, but then they both ended up crying at Grandpa’s house tonight, Lex ate no dinner (but quickly recovered in time for dessert!), and Eve nearly fell asleep in the car on the way home. She asked to be carried in and snuggled to sleep… so I guess they aren’t TOO grown up yet!

Seven and eight seem so grown up, but when I think about the grand scheme of things they are only just beginning. I have to remind myself of that sometimes! Enjoy the littleness of them while I can because it’s all so fleeting. And, I guess, enjoy the bigness of them too!

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