Yard work

Today was a beautiful day! We spent the morning
at our local hardware store stocking up on yard work stuff
(wheelbarrow, rakes, etc.) and the afternoon working outside.
We have soooo many leaves and sticks in our yard. Last fall I
spent some time racking up the leaves and dragging them across
the street on a tarp. Our neighbor is nice enough to let us
toss the yard waste into the ravine behind their house. The
tarp method took forever! The wheelbarrow method today went so
much faster! Of course, having Alan outside helped too :) Lex
took the world’s longest nap, about three and a half hours, and
Eve napped in the stroller for awhile, nursed, then napped in
the belly pack. Rough life for the kiddies, huh? :)

By the end of the afternoon we had about 1/4
of the yard done, but maybe closer to 1/3 of the total work
(the leaves aren’t evenly dispersed on the lawn). We are
planning to spend most of tomorrow outside as well (assuming
good weather) and hopefully we’ll get all of the leaves and
sticks cleared away. Then maybe we’ll get some grass growing!
We have great flower gardens that the previous owners planted.
I’ve been raking them out and finding lots of little buds
peeking through the dirt. I can’t wait to see what grows

I’m also going to try a small veggie
garden this year, so we bought a shovel and trowel and the like
(expensive day at the hardware store!) Once we get the yard
raked up I’m going to start digging a square (over the next few
weeks) and plant some stuff in May. We’ll see how it goes. I’m
not much of a gardener, but I’d like to be :) I have fond
memories of my mom’s veggie garden when I was growing up. I’d
like to share those with Lex and Eve as well.

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  1. Pingback: Nostalgia | Calm and Chaos: Life with kids

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