A lemon of a cat?

We got this sweet new kitty last month.  She is little and crazy and so cuddly.  We knew that she had some problems, but whatever, she’s cuddly.  I took her to the vet last week and the vet confirmed our suspicion that she is a little cross-eyed, apparently common in Siamese cats.  She also had a polyp in her hear when she was young (removed before we got her), which explained her drunken sort of movements.  I told the vet that Alan and I joked that she was a drunken kitty and the vet said, “yeah, her world probably does feel a little shaky to her.”  She also has allergies, to what we don’t know, and bad teeth.  Mostly this was not a surprise because most of it was written on the form when we got her.  The cross-eyed thing was new to me and the fact that the polyp affected her vestibular system (balance).  I’m telling Alan all of this later that night and he replies with, “So, we got a lemon of a cat?”  I cracked up!  Now every time I look at her I think she’s a little lemon.  I just told Lex the story tonight too, explaining what “lemon” meant.  We gushed over our sweet little lemon cat.  :)