An awful trip to the dentist

I’m a few days behind. Lots going on. We went to the dentist on Tuesday and it was awful. The kids did great, but the whole experience was awful. It started with a strange hygienist came out and called Lex’s name. He has had the same hygienist since we first went seven years ago (wow!) and she has been very patient and careful with him. Suddenly this new woman calls his name and he was none too sure about things. Then she brings him back and they go to a different chair than usual. He asked me please to come with him. Eve also had a different hygienist and ended up sitting in the chair Lex usually sits in. They swapped seats. Her usual hygienist left and his retired. I guess a lot can happen in six months!

Lex’s hygienist proceeded to clean his teeth, very roughly, and commented all the while that he has too much plaque build up, which I’m sure is true. She spoke with a thick accent and asked him lots of questions but didn’t really take the time to listen to the answers. Lex’s gums were bleeding and he was crying. I remember appointments like that and they are horrible.

The dentist said that both kids need to have extractions because their grown-up teeth are coming in and the baby ones aren’t falling out. Ugh! Lex even has a loose one and the dentist recommended pulling it. I said we’re going to give it a few weeks to fall out! Reminded me of a dentist I had as a kid who wanted to fill cavities in my baby teeth. I’m sure there’s a reason for it, but it just seems silly.

Meanwhile there was also a woman there with a baby (maybe 18mo) who had broken a tooth. He needed x-rays and they did an extraction right there. He screamed for a good long time. Ugh. He was adorable and smiley when not screaming, but oh the noise! I totally empathized with the mom because that was almost exactly our first and second visit to the dentist as well.

Between the different seats, the different hygienists, the bleeding gums, the tears, the talk of extractions ($$$), and the screaming baby… it was not a pleasant appointment! Ugh.

I had forgotten my phone (calendar) at home so when the receptionist started talking about scheduling extractions and future cleaning appointments, I just got the heck out of there! I promised her I’d call later to schedule all that. I should probably do that soon. We headed to karate where things are calm and quiet and everyone felt much better.